Yellow Fuzzy Bunny Feet

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Yellow Fuzzy Bunny Feet
Icon fuzzy feet yellow.png
Available No
Type None
Theme None
ID fuzzy_feet_yellow

The Yellow Fuzzy Bunny Feet was an item. Its sprites were added to the game alongside its matching items but later removed. Its icon was not uploaded to the new media server, and there is no HD version of the icon. It is likely that it was removed because the game does not have support for feet items.

It matched with the Yellow Fuzzy Bunny Ears and Yellow Fuzzy Bunny Suit.

Beaver Hamster Lizard Penguin Raccoon
Sprite fuzzy feet yellow beaver.png
Sprite fuzzy feet yellow hamster.png
Sprite fuzzy feet yellow lizard.png
Sprite fuzzy feet yellow raccoon.png

Easter 2020 Bunny Costume.jpg

See also