White Toque

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White Toque
Icon toque white.png
Available Yes
Type Head
Theme None
Found Via code
ID toque_white

The White Toque (previously named White and Red Toque) is a head item. It can be obtained via the /madeincanada code. The code was revealed in a puzzle by Bloxorz on the Discord Critters server.

It has a strong resemblance to the removed Red Toque and is generally believed to be a replacement for it.

Method Available from Available until
Code /madeincanada April 12, 2019 Still available

The original puzzle to find the code was: N·(C-2)·G·A   N·H   J·(I-8)·W·(K-10)·O·(M-12)

The letters are in the correct order, there are three words, no numbers. The bullets seperate the letters.

It decodes to:
N - 1  = M
C - 2  = A
G - 3  = D
A + 4  = E

N - 5  = I
H + 6  = N

J - 7  = C
I - 8  = A
W - 9  = N
K - 10 = A
O - 11 = D
M - 12 = A

Bloxorz adjusted the puzzle later, to make it easier, by setting a plus/minus pattern for each letter and confirming the C and D in 'CANADA': L·(C-2)·A·I   D·T   C·(I-8)·E·(K-10)·D·(M-12)

This decodes to:
L + 1  = M
C - 2  = A
A + 3  = D
I - 4  = E

D + 5  = I
T - 6  = N

I - 8  = A
E + 9  = N
K - 10 = A
M - 12 = A
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